FIRECRACKER TOURNAMENT 2018 Saturday July, 7th, 2018 100 TARGET NSCA LOU SCHAEFER MAIN EVENT $130 W/ Lunch $25 Back to Class Split (50/30/20) Options (Must Be Paid in Cash) Lewis: $20 (Split 50/30/20) High Gun in Class: $20 HOA: $20 Concurrent $105 w/lunch Course Opens at 9:00 Score cards must be in by 1:00 pm 100 TARGET NSCA RED WHITE & BLUE EVENT $130.00 w/Lunch $25 Back to Class Split (50/30/20) Options (Must Be Paid in Cash) Lewis: $20 (Split 50/30/20) High Gun in Class: $20 HOA: $20 Concurrent $105 W/Lunch Course opens at 1:00 Score cards must be in by 4:00 pm Lunch will be served from 11:00 to 1:00 $15.00 Lunch Credit on the Afternoon Shoot if it is not needed, $10.00 Additional Discount for Participating in Both Events Receive a Raffle Ticket for the Gun Giveaway, One Raffle Ticket per Event Entered *Carts must be reserved in advance, cart size is subject to availability Golf Carts – 2 passenger $50 per cart* 4 passenger $65.00* 6 passenger $80.00* Practice will be available Registration available on THIS IS A EUROPEAN START EVENT WITH TRAPPERS ON STATIONS -NSCA Registered Tournament – NSCA Fees Included in the Event Price All events are subject to change without prior notice Click the below link to view the event flyer FIRECRACKER TOURNAMENT 2018-2
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