Construction 6
50 Taregts
50 Taregts
100 Targets Main - 50 Target 5-Stand Trappers on Stations Main $139.00 includes lunch with $15.00 back to class Early Read more
50 Targets, Lunch Course will be closed to the public.
50 Targets, Grab and Go Breakfast, Lunch Buffet, Beverages $125.00 per shooter. Cash Prizes $1000 HOA Lewis Class $500 / Read more
100 Targets 50 Target 5-Stand Lunch $130.00 per shooter for the main $69.00 per shooter for the 5 Stand Register Read more
$100 Per shooter includes 50 Targets, Lunch , $375 per team of 4. Early Bird $90.00 Individual $355 Team of Read more
When: Saturday, June 7, 2025. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. Where: The Point at Pintail in Queenstown, Maryland Price: $250 per Shooter, $50 guest Read more
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